What is my Account ID?
Your Prime Sports Account ID is a unique identifier generated upon your first successful sign-up. Your Account ID will be sent to the email address you’ve used during the sign-up process and will be required along with your password during every subsequent login attempt. Depending on which state you’ve registered in, your Account ID will begin with the two-letter abbreviated state followed by an 8-digit numeric code.
Please make every effort not share your personalized Account ID unless you are dealing with a trusted Prime Sports representative.
Rules for Duplicate Accounts
As per our Terms and Conditions, in the event Prime Sports discovers the creation of a duplicate account, said duplicate account may be subject to immediate suspension or closure:
8: Prohibited Activities
8.1 Duplicate or Multiple Accounts. A user is only permitted to have one account with Out the Gate. If you open or attempt to open more than one account with Out the Gate or if Out the Gate in its sole discretion determines that you have placed wagers from multiple accounts, Out the Gate reserves the right to restrict or otherwise block your accounts at its discretion or take any other action, including but not limited to, voiding placed wagers, or withholding deposits or winnings.
How to Reactivate Account (If Applicable)
Prime Sports will determine the potential reactivation of a suspended or closed account after thorough investigation and will be in touch directly with the customer in question.